We’re Meg and Dan

A regular couple from the UK who are obsessed with travel!

We set off on our first long term adventure together back in 2021, with all our savings and a one way flight to Mexico.

Little did we know that this ‘gap year’ trip between finishing our studies at University and starting our careers, would lead to a complete lifestyle change.

We spent 9 months navigating from Mexico to Peru, catching local buses, hitching rides and jumping on boats down through Central and South America.

We had a strict budget and flexible itinerary that led us down the road less travelled and to some countries we never imagined going to. Our preconceived ideas about this part of the world were completely pulled apart when we found the most beautiful cultures, the kindest people and landscapes that we’d only ever seen in photos and movies.

This sparked a passion for travel stronger than it had ever been before and we haven’t stopped travelling since. We are now on a mission to live a nomadic lifestyle and see as much of the world as possible.

While we figure our way through the highs and lows of nomadic life, we want to bring you with us. The aim is to inspire and equip you to be able to see more of our beautiful planet that we call home, while limiting your impact on the earth and your bank account.